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The Takeover

THE TAKEOVER stars Stylist B playing a 9-month-pregnant woman in an off the wall, no-holds-barred comedy! Prepare to laugh harder than ever before as you surrender to The Takeover. She's expecting, but you'll never know what to expect in this hilarious, bold, poignant production.

The Takeover

The Takeover

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The Moments that Shape Us Synopsis:


From little kids to comedic elders, heartache to heart break, addiction, love ans so much more. This play pulls you in with reality, entices you with laughter, and leaves you physically speechless but emotionally begging for more.Heavy dialogue, playful transitions, and lyrically profound poetry are the key components in what makes this play life changing! Follow Brandy, Jordan and Sade' through the tears, smiles and all that lies between as their past memories create present pain and heartache. Watch them battle Love, Abuse, Addiction and Absentee Parents as they decide whether or not to repeat a dangerous cycle. Witness the struggle of hang ups, breakdowns and their breakthrough as they bring to life The Moments that Shape!

The Moments Trailer

The Moments Trailer

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Laugh, Cry, Scream & Shout Synopsis:

Laugh, Cry, Scream & Shout is a celebration of a female’s trials in all its complexities and mystery. In this fascinate phenomenon, the authors open the curtains and expose real life scenarios. Like life, this play comes at you with no warning and offers no apologies. It’s comedic yet powerful, heartbreaking yet empowering, spirited yet uplifting; more than a poem; a polemic; more than a performance; a benediction. These short stories, poetry, monologues, and skits teach you to completely enjoy life in all its entirety and allows you to laugh, cry, scream, and shout your way to a new you!

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